We’ve solved the same puzzle 100+ times.

After 7 years of business, patterns have emerged.

A copywriter working on a desktop computer with organized notes lining the bottom of the screen

 Experience the benefit of proven expertise


IT and Cybersecurity

We understand the complexity of your industry and the fear and confusion most of your customers experience. We also know how difficult it is to stand out from the other businesses in the IT industry.

When you need to cut through the noise, we can help by applying our marketing expertise and IT and cyber experience.

For more about our cybersecurity specialization


Marketing Agency Collaboration

Staffing no-drama copywriters for your new projects is a headache we’d love to alleviate.

We've got your back from brand messaging to content wireframes, email campaigns, ad copy, and more.

Ask us about our agency collaboration packages

Digital Course Creators

Launching an online course seems like a quick route to passive income, but soon becomes overwhelming.

We’ve helped influencers and digital course creators communicate their offer and launch their product.

For more about our Course Launch Package

B2B Companies

We know how hard it is to stand out amid a sea of similar service providers.

We help B2B businesses attract the right-fit customers, giving them the information and confidence they need to decide to call you for help — not the other guys.

Ask us about our B2B marketing packages

Our Certified StoryBrand Guide filling out a Brandscript for a client

Our Process

At Murphy Marketing, we believe that working collaboratively toward a unified goal is the way to guarantee success. We rely on our customers to provide their industry knowledge and experience and we expect them to trust us with ours.

Together, we share and receive feedback, helping us quickly reach an A+ product that serves to generatively grow your business — even after our project is over.

 Ready to stop confusing your audience and

start growing your business?